ランチョンマットのデザイン性が高いと、それだけでおしゃれに見える。インテリアやテーブルウェアは見るのも好きだからよくショップに行く。BoConceptやLIVING MOTIFや、青山の路面店など…。車で移動中に「このお店おしゃれ」と思ったら地図にピンを立てて、後日訪れるようにする。
Table Coordinate as a First Time
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I had a home party. It’s not even a level of table coordination, but I tried for the first time.
A well-designed luncheon mat looks so much more stylish. I like to see interiors and tableware, so I often go to shops. BoConcept, LIVING MOTIF, roadside shops in Aoyama, etc… If I think “This shop is fashionable” while driving, I put a pin on the map and try to visit it later.
I’m originally a homebody, so I have a strong desire to make my home comfortable. In addition to that, due to the coronavirus, I started eating with friends at home. I must be interested in table coordination, of course! (Lol)
I’d like to set the theme for each season, decide the color, and arrange the accessories.